Computers for Public Use
All Lower Merion Libraries provide computers for use by the public, with or without a library card. Users of these machines must observe our Internet Use Policy. Guest passes are typically available from the main public service desk with the exception of Bala Cynwyd and Ludington, where users can obtain them from the Reference Desk.
Ardmore Library - 7 computers
Bala Cynwyd Library - 11 computers
Belmont Hills Library - 2 computers
Gladwyne Library - 4 computers
Ludington Library - 15 computers
Penn Wynne Library - 3 computers
Public WiFi
All Lower Merion Libraries also provide free WiFi from within our buildings, with or without a library card. The wireless network is called "StopNGo". All traffic on this network is filtered in accordance with CIPA Standards.
Mobile Hotspots
The Lower Merion Library System offers Hotspots for check out.
Ardmore Library - 4 hotspots
Bala Cynwyd Library - 7 hotspots
Belmont Hills Library - 2 hotspots
Gladwyne Library - 4 hotspots
Ludington Library - 19 hotspots
Penn Wynne Library - 5 hotspots
Fines and Liability
The overdue fine is $10.00 per day with a maximum overdue fine of $60.The hotspot should be kept in a temperature-controlled environment; Please DO NOT leave it in your car.
The patron is responsible for any fines or costs associated with loss or damage of the hotspot and/or peripherals.
Each hotspot circulates in a case with a cable, power brick, instruction paperwork and barcode. The user is responsible for returning all of these items in good condition. If the hotspot, cord, or charger is returned damaged or not returned at all, the user will be responsible for the replacement cost. Fees and Costs: Overdue fee $10/day; Maximum overdue fee $60; Replace device $15; cord/power brick $15; Replace case $10; Reactivation fee $25.
Printing/Mobile Printing
Printing from our public computers is available at all LMLS LIbraries. The cost is as follows:
Black and White Jobs: Letter (8.5 x 11") – $0.15/page; Legal (8.5 x 14") – $0.30/page; Ledger*(11 x 17")– $0.30/page
Color Jobs: Letter (8.5 x 11") – $0.50/page; Legal (8.5 x 14") – $1.00/page; Ledger* (11 x 17")– $1.00/page
Mobile printing from personal devices is currently available from 3 of our libraries: Ardmore, Bala Cynwyd, and Ludington through the Princh service as of July 9. Jobs can be sent in advance for pickup, or from any of your personal devices while you are at the library. The cost per page is the same as standard printing from any LMLS public computer.,
Begin by going to the Princh page for the library you wish to use.
Alternatively, you are able to download one of the guides below, visit the library and scan a QR Code in the building, or use the Princh Mobile app iOS | Android